STANDARD RANGE (2008-2010)

The lowest  in Wellington when comparing “like with like”. Additional features include:

  • Excellent condition

  • Maximum versatility for individuals and small families new to Wellington



Additional specials available throughout the year, please ask.

We usually have specials during:

  • Off-peak season (April-November)

  • When we have surplus stock which can happen at any time during the year

Customer pays only fuel and monthly lease cost!*

Our range includes very small cars, small cars, medium size 5-seaters, station wagons, hatch backs, 7-seaters etc.


6+ months
$480- $500 per month


Pleasant & easy

"I would definitely use them again in future!"


Cheapest prices in Wellington.

"They are the cheapest prices in Wellington. I got the car within a few days and kept it for a year. For a cheap price, what I did not expect was the quality of the service, the team was amazing!"

— T.V.



Lowest prices in Wellington when comparing like with like!